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Sunday, August 19, 2018

How to active CGDI BMW 2.2.2 Automatically?

CGDI BMW V2.2.2 update Modify software auto activation display, increase user interaction.

1. Click the orange icon shown as blow.

Also, from the above picture, you can see CGDI BMW V2.2.2 add more comparing the older version:
1) BMW F series coding, restore coding and backup coding.
2). Add BMW EGS function.
3). Add read/write BMW CAS ISN (4 bytes) feature.
4). Modify software auto activation display, increase user interaction.
5. DEM wiring diagram optimization provides the full-screen display.
6. BMW OBD key matching and FEM/BDC compatible small screen display.
7. Modify CAS4 key whether display error.
8. Other bugs fix. 

2. Click on "Update authorization".

3. Authorize successfully.